Saturday, March 9, 2013


Have you ever looked around you for evidences that God exists; not only that he exists, but that He knows you exist, that He is aware of you, and that He loves you? Have you ever looked for evidences that God knows you personally? That He knows exactly what you are experiencing, and exactly what you truly need?

I have thought about this recently. Through experiences I have gone through, I am seeing how much my Heavenly Father truly is aware of me and my situation. He knows what I can and can't handle at a specific time. He knows me better than I know myself. As I look back on events that have happened in my life, both far back and recent, I have seen His hand being a big part of my life. I have seen that He truly does know me! I look at the recent findings of my health problems and am grateful for the timing in when He allowed them to be revealed to me.

I have had headaches almost everyday for two and a half years now, and after going to many different doctors, we just found out what was causing them. I don't write this so you will feel bad for me. I write it to express to you how much our Heavenly Father truly knows about each one of us. Anyways, over the two and a half years, I had many prayers that included; "why me" "please heal me" "take this away" "give me answers" etc. But none of them were answered. I started to doubt that God even knew I existed. I started to doubt that He even cared about me and what I was going through. I knew He existed, but I felt forgotten in such a time of need.  But he had not forgotten me. He was with me more than ever. He knew that I was not ready for the answers of what was wrong with me. He knew I could not handle it until I had become a different person. A person that would turn to the Lord and accept whatever was ahead. He let me experience pain and sorrow so that I could experience the healing power of the Atonement. I was not healed physically, which I had prayed for many times, but I was healed spiritually. I was healed from the inside out, so much so that the physical healing didn't matter to me anymore. I am okay with the pain I go through everyday. Yeah, it's hard, and painful, but I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and only wants what is best for me. Because of this knowledge, I am the happiest I have ever been. Yes, life will be hard, and challenges will arise, but as long as I have my Heavenly Father and my Savior, everything else will work together for good.

Look for times in your life when you have seen evidences of God's love for you. If you look for them, you will find them!


Brianna Jean said...

I love this and I love you dear darling lady. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to hang out with you this afternoon. You are really an incredible woman! I'm so glad you are my family.

Anna said...

Thank you for sharing this my friend:) I feel we need to get together soon and learn more from these experiences we both have been learning about because I'm still on this road and its good to be around those that can relate but also who can see a bigger picture now:)