Monday, August 8, 2011


Some days this is how I feel. I feel like I am putting on a fake face. People see the smile, but inside I am really feeling sad and distressed. I have been feeling a lot like this lately. I feel lost. I feel like I don't know what I am supposed to do with my life. I have a plan of what I am going to do, but don't necessarily feel like that is what I am supposed to do. The problem is I don't know what I am supposed to be doing.

I smile because that is what people know me as. I wish I could just let people know how I was feeling. I wish people would understand. I wish people knew what I was going through but the truth is, they don't. No one knows how I feel, no one understands my situation. I need to accept that and learn how to make it through my life and through the trials I am going through.

1 comment:

Erin Day said...

There is always one person who knows and understands. Even if that one person is the Savior, that is enough. I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I think you'd be surprised how many people DO understand. Everyone has trials and times when they don't understand what they are supposed to be doing. The best thing is just to continue making the best decisions for whatever situation you find yourself in. Sorry to ramble. I hope some of that made sense.