Saturday, August 31, 2013

Write It Down

Today is Saturday, a day to sleep in and catch up on sleep lost during the week. But this morning I woke up at 6:30 am. I was a bit frustrated because I had my alarm set for 8:30 am. I kept thinking, "why am I awake? I still have two more hours to sleep!" I started having thoughts go through my head that I felt like I needed to write down. But I neglected the thoughts. They were keeping me awake, so I got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and then went back to bed. These thoughts kept going through my head. I told myself I would remember them and write them down later. I kept trying to go to sleep. Well, something really profound came into my mind. I said the same thing, that I would write it down later. Well, a minute or so later I had forgotten the profound thought that had come to my head. I was mad at myself for not getting up and writing it down. So I got out of bed, grabbed my notebook, and started writing. 

Most people don't know this, but I have wanted to write a book for six months or so now, but haven't done much to start it. I have had the idea in my head, but that is all. Today when I started writing, I was flooded with inspiration of things to write. Now I am more determined to get this book done. I am so excited to see how this book unfolds. Just this morning and afternoon I have seen the hand of the Lord in this book. We will just have to wait and see where it goes. Next time I get a prompting to write something down, I will!!!

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